Identifier: SLR141
Summary: Sound quality improved version of the LibriTTS corpus which is a large-scale corpus of English speech designed for TTS use
Category: Speech
License: CC BY 4.0
Downloads (use a mirror closer to you):
doc.tar.gz [error getting size] (Documents of LibriTTS-R
) Mirrors:
dev_clean.tar.gz [error getting size] (Development set, clean speech
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dev_other.tar.gz [error getting size] (Development set, more challenging speech
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test_clean.tar.gz [error getting size] (Test set, "clean" speech
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test_other.tar.gz [error getting size] (Test set, "other" speech
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train_clean_100.tar.gz [error getting size] (Training set derived from the original materials of the train-clean-100 subset of LibriSpeech
) Mirrors:
train_clean_360.tar.gz [error getting size] (Training set derived from the original materials of the train-clean-360 subset of LibriSpeech
) Mirrors:
train_other_500.tar.gz [error getting size] (Training set derived from the original materials of the train-other-500 subset of LibriSpeech
) Mirrors:
libritts_r_failed_speech_restoration_examples.tar.gz [error getting size] (Lists of files where speech restoration failed
) Mirrors:
md5sum.txt [509 bytes] (Checksums of the individual files
) Mirrors:
About this resource:
For more information, refer to the paper [1]. If you use the LibriTTS-R corpus in your work, please cite the dataset paper [1] where it was introduced.
Audio samples of the ground-truth and TTS generated samples are available at the demo page:
[1] Yuma Koizumi, Heiga Zen, Shigeki Karita, Yifan Ding, Kohei Yatabe, Nobuyuki Morioka, Michiel Bacchiani, Yu Zhang, Wei Han, and Ankur Bapna, "LibriTTS-R: A Restored Multi-Speaker Text-to-Speech Corpus," arXiv, 2023.
[2] Yuma Koizumi, Heiga Zen, Shigeki Karita, Yifan Ding, Kohei Yatabe, Nobuyuki Morioka, Yu Zhang, Wei Han, Ankur Bapna, and Michiel Bacchiani, "Miipher: A Robust Speech Restoration Model Integrating Self-Supervised Speech and Text Representations," arXiv, 2023.