Open Speech and Language Resources


Identifier: SLR134

Summary: Hebrew speech and transcripts by a single speaker (30 hours)

Category: Speech

License: Custom non-commercial (See README)

Downloads (use a mirror closer to you):
saspeech_gold_standard_v1.0.tar.gz [error getting size]   ( Gold-standard subset (manual transcripts) - 4h )   Mirrors: [US]   [EU]   [CN]  
saspeech_automatic_data_v1.0.tar.gz [error getting size]   ( Automatic subset (automated transcripts) - 26h )   Mirrors: [US]   [EU]   [CN] [4.9K]   ( Readme for the automatic subset )   Mirrors: [US]   [EU]   [CN] [5.4K]   ( Readme for the gold-standard subset )   Mirrors: [US]   [EU]   [CN]  

About this resource:

This dataset contains approximately 30 hours of audio spoken by Shaul Amsterdamski in a recording studio at 44100Hz with corresponding transcriptions.

The data is divided into a gold-standard subset of roughly 4 hours with manual transcriptions and an automatic subset with machine-generated transcriptions.

See README files inside the archives for more details.

The dataset was originally published as part of the robo-shaul competition with this license agreement (Hebrew-only). The license is also provided with the dataset archives in the file robo_shaul_terms.pdf. In case of conflict between the attached license and the version available online, the online version takes precedence.

A summary of the terms in English:

Copyright for the recordings and corresponding transcriptions is owned solely by the Israeli Public Broadcast Corporation, the IPBC.

The dataset is free for use for non-commercial purposes, under the following limitations, whether by positive act or by omission:

  • You may not present your use of the Dataset in a way that suggests that the IPBC supports or endorses you or your use of the Dataset
  • You may not make use of the Dataset in a manner that brings harm to Shaul Amsterdamski and/or the IPBC, including defamation
  • You may not make use of the Dataset for commercial or broadcast needs
  • You may not make use of the Dataset for political needs
  • You may not make use of the Dataset in a manner that breaches any applicable law

You can cite the data using the following BibTeX entry:

    author={Orian Sharoni and Roee Shenberg and Erica Cooper},
    title={{SASPEECH: A Hebrew Single Speaker Dataset for Text To Speech and Voice Conversion}},
    booktitle={Proc. Interspeech 2023},
    pages={To Appear}